出雲雁皮紙 白 (板干し・長判・1枚) 版画 書道 篆刻 折り紙 IZUMO-GANNPISHI




版画: 雁皮紙は、その柔らかさと吸収性に優れているため、版画に適した紙とされています。インクの定着がよく、細かい線や滲みを美しく表現できます。

書道: 雁皮紙は、筆の筆圧や筆勢を正確に伝えるため、書道の作品に適しています。また、インクが滲むことなく、きれいな線が引けるため、文字の美しさが際立ちます。

篆刻: 雁皮紙は、しっかりとした厚みがありながら、柔らかいため、篆刻の印影が鮮明になります。また、耐久性に優れているので、長期間保存が可能です。

折り紙: 雁皮紙は、そのしなやかさと強度が高いため、折り紙にも適しています。複雑な折り方でも破れにくく、美しい仕上がりが期待できます。


Izumo gampi-shi was restored by the late Eishiro Abe. This washi has lived in the Shosoin Imperial Collection for 1,200 years. Gampi-gami is the strongest of all washi, and is known as the "king of washi. It is characterized by its glossy surface, translucent transparency, and crispy paper back!

This product is bleached to give it a white color.

Gampi-shi is an ideal material for various traditional Japanese arts such as printmaking, calligraphy, seal engraving, and origami. Its unique texture and high durability make it an ideal material for expressing traditional Japanese techniques and arts. Its delicate texture will enhance the beauty of your work!

Printmaking: Gampi paper is considered suitable for printmaking due to its softness and absorbency. It allows ink to adhere well and beautifully express fine lines and blotches.

Calligraphy: Gampi is suitable for works of calligraphy because it accurately transmits the pressure and momentum of the brushstrokes. In addition, the ink does not bleed through and clean lines can be drawn, making the beauty of the characters stand out.

Seal Engraving: Gampi paper is firm and thick, yet soft, making seal engraving impressions clearer. It is also highly durable and can be preserved for a long period of time.

Origami: Gampi is also suitable for origami due to its flexibility and strength. It is tear-resistant even when folded in complex ways, and beautiful results can be expected.






Who we recommend this product for

Printmakers, calligraphers, seal engravers
Origami and handicraft lovers
Those who are looking for a gift.
Those who are looking for souvenirs for foreigners who are interested in Japanese culture.

Material: Gampi 
*Wild gampi, which grows wild in Shimane Prefecture, is used.

Color: white

Size: 135 cm x 42 cm


在庫数 : 8
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