出雲和封筒(原色七色入り・10枚) 高級感 おしゃれ 和紙封筒 ビジネス IZUMO-HUUTOU








For those who feel that just a simple white envelope is not enough when choosing an envelope. This "Stylish Washi Envelope" made of traditional Japanese paper from Izumo is just what you need.

The charm of this Washi envelope is its design and texture. You will feel a sense of "luxury" at first glance, and once you hold it in your hand, you will realize its texture and quality. It is ideal not only for business use, but also for everyday letters and gifts.

The word "washi" alone may evoke a sense of Japanese tradition and history in many people. This envelope is designed to maximize the appeal of such Japanese paper. The seven richly-colored primary colors are sure to surprise the recipient!

In addition, this "cute envelope" has a special design that sets it apart from other envelopes. It is simple yet full of "cool" points. When sending a letter or document, it is sure to catch the eye of the recipient.

Please consider using these envelopes for a variety of occasions, from business to private.

The Izumo Japanese Envelope is stylish, cute, and full of a sense of luxury. Why not send your important message in a special envelope?







素材   三椏
枚数   10枚
大きさ  9cm×20cm


We recommend this product to

Business people: People who want to send business documents, contracts, etc. in a luxurious envelope.

Traditional Crafts Lovers: Those who love Japanese paper and Japanese traditions. 
People who love Japanese paper and Japanese traditions and want to incorporate them into their letters and gifts.

Invitation and greeting card senders: Those who want to send invitations to weddings, parties, and other special occasions.
 For those who want to send wedding invitations, party invitations, or messages for special occasions in a memorable way.

Gift wrapping is important to us. 
Those who want to send gift wrapping and message cards with special envelopes.

Art and design enthusiasts. 
People who are attracted to beautiful and unique designs and want to incorporate their sense of style into their daily communications.

Material Mitsumata
Number of sheets: 10
Size: 9cm x 20cm


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・再入荷を約束するものではございません。 ・予約や取り置きをするものではございません。 ・ご購入は先着順と致します。


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